How To Find A Construction Team And How To Pay Labor To Builders

Before choosing a construction team, take note of the fact that today in the labor market you can find five main types of independent builders:

  • a brigade of local builders led by a team leader;
  • a unit of guest workers (in German, “worker” + “guest,” that is, a foreign worker, drawn from an underdeveloped country to industrialized), who has a local leader;
  • brigade of migrant workers, who has a leader of his nationality;
  • unit of guest workers, administered collectively;
  • a small group of builders without a foreman or single.

If you do not have a bright idea of how to choose builders to build a house, it is preferable to stop on the first or second option (by the way, the latter will cost you at least 10% cheaper). Before choosing a team of builders, make sure that it is headed by one person (with whom you also speak the same language). At the same time, the foreman will save you from communicating with the builders, take on the direct management of the project, etc.